Chain Link

TJ Fencing offers Chain Link in standard silver galvanized and vinyl coated with colors of black, brown and green.  It is the most economical fencing option in most cases.  It can be custom built in 42", 48", 60" or even 72" heights. 

A chain-link fence is a type of woven fence usually made from galvanized or vinyl coated steel wire. The wires run vertically and are bent into a zig-zag pattern so that each "zig" hooks with the wire immediately on one side and each "zag" with the wire immediately on the other. This forms the characteristic diamond pattern seen in this type of fence.

Black Vinyl CoatedBlack Vinyl CoatedBlaBlack vinyl coatedGreen vinyl coatedGreen Vinyl CoatedSilver GalvanizedSilver GalvanizedSilver GalvanizedSilver Galvanized - multi-height
TJ Fencing